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Please ask for the links (:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 ; 9:10 PM {♥}

Heeey guys, i'm back :D
Finally back after a long long time.
Exams ended i feel pointless now.
im determined to help my brother in his exams.
(after today. hahah.. )
the exam schedule was crazy, 7 subjects in a week.
and how thoughtful of them to put egeog together with bio. -.-
but we managed to pull through in 1 piece.

Guess my blog's getting a little dead.
i think face book is more convenient.
too lazy to upload the photos here, did them on facebook.
Well, the 6-week trip was long buit i learnt a lot.
especially about Janice, Yixin and Vanessa's lifestyle.
Learnt a lot about their habits.
haha, and they learnt plenty about mine too.
The 6-weeks were both fun and tiring.
The weirdest thing was that during the first few nights, we keep telling each other "I don't even know what i'm doing her" and "Maybe tomorrow morning i'll back on my own bed" but when we were back in singapore, we were saying" Maybe when i wake up tmr morn, i'll be back in Shanghai".
Its a little ironic, but we were unused initially.
All in all, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves (:

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Monday, March 1, 2010 ; 8:56 PM {♥}

Hi people, im back!
Gonna update my dead blog which no one views just for someone *winkwink* who is so interested in my super boring life.
Jocelyn came back to chungcheng. She looked rather the same except for the uniform part. I was expecting to see her in the short skirt which most JC uniforms have. But as usual, she din alter it. -.-
Btw, thanks for your advance birthday gift. :D love it. But its a little too early dont you think? Haha, and you forgot to remove the price tag.
I wake up at 6, sometimes 6.15 if i can afford to be late like on mondays and fridays.
Its rather busy everyday, test test and test again.
Im telling you, i have no social life.
Well, maybe except for CCA days, its slightly slacker than usual.
What i like most about school is 2DL just that joyjoy has run off with temasek. Sounds like you eloped. Haha. Next time when i use the comp i shall upload some unglam photos of you.
Im leaving for shanghai next monday, i'll miss school and you. But it wont be a prob coz you've got webcam too. So chat soon.
Can you see that this post is specially dedicated to you? You've gotta have a post dedicated to me on your blog too. Haha. Im actually typing blindly, cant see the words on the lower part of the sreen. Lousy phone and lousy wireless, keep disconnecting. The main prob is coz im upstairs-.-

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 ; 9:05 AM {♥}

Its a long time since i last posted, July 2009.
Now, its a new year, a new beginning.
(although its been 2 months)
Hope everything goes well.
Wishing everyone a belated merry Christmas, belated happy new year, and last but not least wishing Xinhui a belated happy birthday.

During the June holidays, went to Suzhou for Exchange program.
2 weeks after i came back to Singapore, i went to Shanghai again.
im taking planes like Im taking buses. -.-
This march, i applied for the 6 weeks program to go shanghai Fudan, and i got in :D
taking 'bus' again.

Fell sick yesterday, came back right after maths test. Im missing school today also.
missing out on plenty of lessons, have to catch up after i get back.
good thing is that i actually missed assembly yesterday and PE today.
i hate PE, especially when we have to run 2.4km round the school..

I've got 3 tests tmr- e maths, chinese, lit p1
die die die!
gotta try and chiong everything, when im sick.
pity me please everyone..

signing off, AILEEN :D

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Monday, July 13, 2009 ; 8:06 PM {♥}

13 JUNE. Time FLYS..
Many people's birthday today: 陈水扁· 刘翔· Harrison Falls· 晓洁
~Happy birthday to youuuu~

Science lab photos.
I think its rather nice :D
currently learning reflection and refraction.
did this experiment for physics today (:

This is the experiment. Looks like acupuncture(:

Half of me and Jocelyn's face in the mirror (:

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Friday, July 3, 2009 ; 8:27 PM {♥}

It been a long long time since i last updated my blog.
Went to China for the holidays.
didn't get quarantined when we came back.
Lucky me (:

Nice song again :D
song for 超人气学园
currently watching it


iloooooooveyous {♥}

Friday, May 29, 2009 ; 12:52 PM {♥}

过几个礼拜又要回上海看爸爸,奶奶,外公外婆,叔叔阿姨,晨陵哥哥,莹莹姐姐,晓洁洁。不用说,当然还有豆豆 :D

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Thursday, May 28, 2009 ; 6:44 PM {♥}

郭静- 在树上唱歌

this song is very very nice and damn cheerful.
maybe that's why i like it(:

iloooooooveyous {♥}

; 6:09 PM {♥}


AHS competition! woohoo~
nothing much, just very exciting, competition, training.
and other stuff, nothing much, just some pics bahh.

our group, this picture is nice(: of course, taken by MISS XH.
haha, LOLOL
Autumn symphony(:
this painting is found at the back of the computer lab.
damn damn damn NIIICE :D
the computer i used for 2 days.
#36 :D

iloooooooveyous {♥}

; 4:37 PM {♥}

Went for history field trip today.
3 places-- Changi Chapel, Kranji war cemetery, battle box
it was a really really warm day
bet i look a hundred times tanner than before.
passed by the singapore flyer on the bus and took 2 really nice pics. (:

the battle box was real nice, but scary too.
seemed more like haunted house rather than a history heritage(:
but it was nice, learnt many things.
and the kranji war cemetery was sad, but they made it real good, doesn't seem like a saddened place.
it was bright and had a great scenery.
had a ceremony which required us to stand at attention
the oneminute of silence was really awkward, didn't know what to do, where to look, and even what to think.
changi chapel was okok bah, nothing much..

Ohhh, war, I despise
Because it means destruction
Of innocent lives

War means tears
To thousands of mothers eyes
When their sons go to fight
And lose their lives

War, it ain't nothing
But a heartbreaker
War, friend only to the undertaker
Ooooh, war
It's an enemy to all mankind
The point of war blows my mind
War has caused unrest
Within the younger generation
Induction then destruction
Who wants to die

War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker
War, it's got one friend
That's the undertaker
Ooooh, war, has shattered
Many a young mans dreams
Made him disabled, bitter and mean
Life is much to short and precious
To spend fighting wars these days
War can't give life
It can only take it away

War, it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker
War, friend only to the undertaker
Peace, love and understanding
Tell me, is there no place for them today
They say we must fight to keep our freedom
But Lord knows there's got to be a better way

War, huh
Good God y'all
What is it good for
Stand up and shout it

War does NOTHING.
nothing at all..

iloooooooveyous {♥}

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 ; 6:54 PM {♥}


Went to RI open house with Xh.
their school is super super biiiiggggg.
xinyang and zefan were our tourguide for the day. (:
Xy can be professional tourguide already
den vishnu was an usher.
i cant help repeating it. THEIR SCHOOL IS DAMN BIGG!
4 bio labs, 4 chem labs, 4 physic labs.
6 com. labs.
senior block for the sec 2s. Senior senior block for sec 3s? =.='
a 50m pool, 49.7 to be exact.
coz of certain reasons
Walked around and there were uniformed group booths in a giant square.
and a large catapult which was built by the scouts. shootin' water bags. wheeee~
A large clock that reminds me of big ben, somehow..

and there was this enormous yellow man, well, fake of course.
but i think it's damn cooool (:

had HORLICKS, but xh insists that its sweet milo.
actually wanted to eat candy floss but the HORLICKS sweet until i cannot tahan larh.
before we left, we took a photo with Raffles, a statue of course.

Walked to J8.
ate lunch, den played the painting thing.
one of my fondest chidhood memory.

Bought presents for Yushen, Eeshuen and James.
Yushen-- waterbottle with "i dont give a damn"
Eeshuen-- a super nice bookmark for his books, the same kind that Elina gave me (:
James-- a super nice monkey that looks like him? o.O haha, LOL.

iloooooooveyous {♥}

th' laddyyyye {♥}
Me,Myself &! I.
♥ iloveyou :D

5th March

Wants {♥}
{♥}Very own set of colour pens
{♥}Sec 3 camp :D

Gosh! Just realised how little i ask for
Guess I'm contented(:

media player {♥}
Please don't stop the music
心愿便利贴 ; damaged ; 99次我爱他 ; if i never see your face again ; disturbia {♥}

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recommand cbox

Kiss Good-bye {♥}
byyyyyyyyyyyyyes ; (:
peeps viewing

Xin hui

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